Last movie seen in a theatre?
Race and Bal Hanuman :D, actually i do watch all movies @home, so hardly get chance to go to theatre.
What book are you reading?
What book are you reading?
None.My favourite books are home for termites now.
Favorite board game:
Monopoly... Man it goes for hours and hours, if the opponent is smart
Favorite magazine:
Auto magazine like Overdrive, Autocar India
Today's Favorite smells:
Petrol, Paint and Axe Deo
Favorite sound:
Rumble of waterfall. Sound of ma nephew
Worst feeling in the world:
When I feel I have been left out.
What is the first thing you think of when you wake up?
10 more minute
Favorite fast food place:
Ice Chariot in Cambridge Layout. The cost is nominal, chaats are good so are the dishes
Appu's Thattukada : All stuffs are tasty.. :D
Future child’s name:
Mmm... first let me find a mummy for the child :D
Finish this statement, “If I had a lot of money I’d…”
Wud buy few plots & flats in Kerala,and Bangalore, rent it out, and enjoy for rest of my life in Dubai Plam Island
Do you drive fast?
Ahha.. Speed Kills but Thrills... so I love the thrill
Do you sleep with a stuffed animal?
Naa... I have a pillow besides me, which I used to hug always, since I was 1year old.Pillows changed as I grew, but habit remained.
Favourite drink
Lime soda ofcourse and Kasmiri Shake which I had first time from Kasargode and now from Empire in Embassy Golf link Business park (shake name is different here though)
Do you eat the stem of broccoli?
Ahha to write this tag, I had too..
Storms - Cool or Scary?
Cool ahaa... Noo super cool...
If you could dye your hair any color, what would be your choice?
Coloring, I know the difficulty in keeping ma hairs intact and you wanna now color it as well...
Name all the different cities/towns you have lived in:
Jabalpur (M.P), Trivandrum, Kannur, Kasargode (all in Kerala) and Bangalore (Karnataka)
Favorite sports to watch:
Cricket and football.. and yea Tennis, Ladies only :D, exception when Nadal and Frederer play
One nice thing about the person who sent this to you:
A bubbly, chatterbox and down-to-earth person(Sometimes she goes under the Well to prove that she is even better). All this once after she became my friend. :D
What’s under your bed?
Call James bond to investigate. :D Actually I am hygiene freak, so u can guess
Would you like to be born as yourself again?
Yes… y not, sorry if u have an eye to take ma place, no luck
Morning person or night owl?
Morning person during office days, on weekends night owl
Over easy or sunny side up?
Over easy, If u wanna serve me sunny side up, make sure u give me lots of pepper.
Favorite place to relax:
My garden at home..with Bruno and Tipu besides
Favorite pie:
Apple pie, when u say pie first thing come to ma mind is American pie . :D.
Well watched all the 6 volumes
Favorite ice cream flavor:
Vanilla, Mango and tuti- fruti
You pass this tag to: Anyone reading this interested let me know. I will tag you