The sun was over the horizon, I was still on bed, when some alien sine waves created the vibrations on the drum, hence converting the sine wave to what we call the sound, yes I was woken up by the puff and huff of my mom, wish mom had a snooze button, which could ring after 10 mins again, but it was not to be. I was woken up, this time my mom wanted to see me as a Driver. Yea.. these wishes from parents; I have been hearing from my childhood....
Okie no more beating around the bush..... My sis was paying visit to my nephews school, and they wanted me to accompany my sis.
We reached school after the 15 min drive, I decided to be in car itself, rather than hearing those blah.. blah from teacher, which i used to experience in my school days..... now its not different, my manager has taken over the role...
As I was waiting for my sis in car, I saw school kids rushing to school, this scene did drive me to my old days....
I used to reach the destination at 8:30, then after dumping my back at my desk I used to push to play ground, the warm up before the classes.... after the game, assembly starts, were the prayer goes on. Then the classes start, usual talks by teachers, usual punishments, usual standing on bench... it was all fun. The fun did not end there, on reaching home the debrief of my school activities was narrated by my sis to mom, she should have joined some sports commentary team.
The usual complaints was mom you should see him.. in assembly his shirt was out, improperly inserted, in afternoon he was running in the hot sun. I saw him standing outside his class.... ho gosh it was fun......
I enjoyed the parents teachers meeting, my mom had a tough time hearing my complaints.. teacher used to say.. ho my gosh, this boy is unmanageable. How u manage him at home, his mouth never shuts, always blah blah blah, even during class hours. Thankfully i was ok in studies, so less complain on that front except from Sanskrit teacher who says this boy is allergic to his language, ask him to study this once in a while.
Those were cool days i really miss those day... hey wait do I... nah.....
Confused.. its simple dude.. My work is almost like a school......
But not parents are in to meet my manager its me alone doing those stuffs.....
The 1On1 which I have with my manager once in a month , reminds me those meeting.
But now talking is not a crime, I am appreciated for talking a lot.... ha ha what a change of time.. while I was small I was complained for talking, now I am appreciated... Mom are you reading this.....
Now I think child, teacher will complain if your kid is not talking, IT boom guys.. what a change....
I am Thinking
But life is moving
Needs are not the same
but I am still the same
From child hood to adulthood
I am still the Robinhood
Even though the needs are not same
I am still the same.
Physique is not the same
Needs are not the same
but the inner me is the same
Yes, the freshness of lime is the same.
1 comment:
i liked this one..funny...
hmmm..btw,me hate the one-to-ones every month...it's all big time crap.. or maybe bcoz my school teachers shut me out too harshly ;)
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