It was 5'O clock, in evening my mobile reminder flashed few words... it was time to rush....Packed my laptop, took on my blazer and I ran to car porch... drove away my fiery red SUV at some high speeds... I could see the spider webs on the speedo disturbed...
Sorry Spidey, have to rush.....
Confused, sorry guys I forgot I had party, with whom....mmm guess....
I rushed into the lift, unlocked the door, took a refreshing shower, and dressed up in the best way possible.....
hoo was I looking like a Greek god.... eah eah... kich kich sounds coming from somewhere...
Okie at least I felt so......
it was now 6:30. I started to my destination.... hoo what a coincidence.. the RJ was playing quite a few romantic numbers.... I felt like god dude... Bangalore traffic, nah.. i did not complain....
the song which was playing was
"Phaela Nash Phalae ghumar.... Naya pyaar hai... naya inthizhar....."
I reached the destination.... it was a decorated farm house.... the lights were beautiful,the song came to my mind was
"twinkle twinkle little bulbs how i wonder what u r......"
Okie.... everything apart back to topic....
After parking my car, my eyes were on search, they were just rolling rolling around... to meet the target... there is she...
yea She was waiting for me, but i was not that late though.....
She was happy to see me, we passed a smile and held hands and moved into the hall.... hoo what a decorations, it was just superb, the pomp and splendour in which the party was arranged was really great.
the dance floor was superb..... all were dancing so were we. Salsa was at its best, we soon took the center stage with our salsa steps... all were clapping and were astonished on our fete.... the flexibility and swiftness was commendable....
we were in for a great applause once we finished.
It was time to say goodbye, we were on our way back, it was quite misty.... fog was at its best.... we drove slowly, with romantic music in back ground......
It was her destination, she had to get down, reluctantly we decided to split for the day, but some thing was holding us.... the count of goodnights' we said would be more than two hands could count....
before we split we decided to share a piece of love..... we approached each other, the distance reduced exponentially...... and we neared some thing made disturbed my concentration... i ignored it, but the disturbance grew louder... the situation was like two like poles of a magnet which wanted to meet, but some force prevented it...
the sound grew larger, it was my mobile ringing.... what no reject and accept display on screen, instead Snooze and Stop display.. before I could think more.. my eyes were wide open, i saw what i never wanted to see.........
yea.. it was the Alarm on my mobile.... I was awake.. by sleep was broken.... my dream was shattered......
it was as if once came out of a James bond movie without watching the climax......
Ho God you directed a great dream, a Blockbuster... but why did you not direct the climax... did the producer pulled out in last moment.....
To be continued... but do not know when..........
Too close yet too far..... hey Did i ask the name of the Girl who was with me..... Did I???????