I just wanted an excuse, and I had it this time, no looking back, no more thinking, I rushed after wearing my driving gear, I was off for my favourite hobby, Driving In Rain.
I was communicating with the drops, my message started becoming part of those sent form amber. Think he was not complaining.. Driving slowly across the road my eyes suddenly lost concentration...
My eyes fell on her, running for a shelter
She was weeping, and yelling once in a while
All turned deaf ears to her, she was not complaining though.
Separated from her dear ones, she was not at all comfortable in this new territory
Before I could notice more, I had zipped passed her, leaving the slide view of those images in my mind.
I became restless, there was now a bond which was created, She touched my heart, no she stole my heart and I have left it behind. I have become Heartless.. I wanted it back, but it was with her.
How can I ask her?
Who is she?
How will she behave, when I talk to her?
Not caring about these questions, I decided to rush to her.She was not there, my eyes kept searching, there she was, taking refuge in the bus shelter.She was alone, she was beautiful, but still, every one ignored her.I parked my bike, and walked to the bus shelter, questions kept pouring in my mind.
What the people around will think, would I be branded as an "Eve Teaser", with all courage I went forward.
Now I was near her, by-standers started noticing me.
Removing my helmet, my eyes met her eyes, the brown eyes were confused, water kept dripping from her head. On seeing me she took a step back, scared, she was confused.
Not knowing her name, I called her to me, using action, but she still was confused.
I was being watched, by all.Now I had no other option, but to win her confidence.
I touched her wet head, she was shocked. I held her hand, it was soft as a sponge, nails were long, before I could feel more, I felt the hand slipping from my grasp in despire.
She was completely confused, she resisted, but just for a minute, once she felt comfortable her eyes spelt confidence.She smiled, and knew I was there for her rescue.
Sharing my jacket with her, we marched towards to my bike.
I was not sure, what I was doing; but believed I was correct.
Let the world blame me, my conscience would never.
I did what I felt, and I am correct.
Overcoming the brief resistance, I was able to win confidence from Mom and Dad.
Now it's 4 year past this incident, she lives with me, she is ma love, she is my best friend.
She is Nuerie, The Labrador Retriever , My Love